They say life is a constant fight, a fight for a warm place under the sun. In addition there is another notion which says that the Mother Nature is a hierarchy where the strongest creature is on the top and an unable to survive one always stays at the very bottom. These believes partly justify and can be applied to the modern structure of the mass media world and show business in particular. To survive and succeed in such a tough circumstances new strategies were invented and one of them was personal branding.
Being a leader means to reinforce the strength and fame from time to time, all the time. Apparently personal branding is aimed to build up a certain image (not necessarily truth worthy one) around a person, literally to turn a personality into brand, in order to attract useful people (employers ), to get lucrative deals, to start a new business, to self advertise, to increase the rating and finally to cash in. So briefly speaking personal branding is how a person is perceived in the minds those around him/her. One of the most common notions is that personal branding is preferably used among celebrities because they are more likely to be into branding and the like. However this strategy has started being in demand since the huge corporations (where all people are the same) appeared and such mediums as the internet made the interaction easily available to everyone. Nowadays it’s required to be recognizable in order to survive and reach some goals. Furthermore it needs to be noticed that personal branding (as any other branding in general) isn’t always a positive institution, to be frank it’s mainly negative. As it was already said above personal branding is intended to create an image around an individual, to introduce a certain perception to the public. Thus this process is usually based on lie and brand manager’s fantasy. The alpha of any personal branding is a very complex marketing research of what people aspire to and are more likely to follow and adore. So, due to this fact it’s logical to assume that any celebrity we know (or we think we know) is just an artificial personality that’s formed considering a very technical examinations of our minds. However there is no reason to get frustrated about it. The whole world of marketing relationships that are firmly clustered with our everyday life is designed in that way, so that it has become normal. Otherwise marketing wouldn’t work; it needs to consist of some sort of deception.
In conclusion, contemporary business world is a competition. In order to win a player needs to be creative and sly. There are no rules and morals in the game where as an award is money, fame, power or the like. One of the most effective tricks is personal branding, which usually gets the highest grade from the audience. It’s far from being a fair method on the way to the finish line. However as long as it works it is prerogative.